The Black Death was a horrible disease that spread through Europe and killed millions. Yes, millions. It wiped out nearly the whole continent. 2/3 of the people in Europe were gone because of this horrible disease. Actually, it was multiple diseases. each one so bad, it could kill someone in matter of days. So, where did a horribl disease come from? It actually came from China. Italian traders traded with China at the tim the disease hit it, and infected rats aboarded the Italian trader's ships. So then the rats got off in Italy, and they had fleas, who were also infected, and the fleas started biting the Italians. When Europe and France started trading with the Italians, the disease spread further.

     Frane and Europe where infected. Soon, the whole continent was. The only places that where free of this disease, were isolate places like monasteries. They, of course, where isolated from the rest of the world. So they were free of disease.

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